Standards of Play

Please review the SGV Youth Soccer Standards of Play for our 7v7 league

SGV Youth Soccer - Standards of Play - 7v7

Field / Dimensions

  • 55yds - 65yds in length x 35yds - 45yds in width

  • Goal size - 6.5ft x 18.5ft - 7ft x 21ft

  • Penalty Area -12yds x 24yds

  • Goal Area - 4yds x 8yds

  • Build out line is 10 yds from the goal line

Game Duration

  • 2 x 25-minute halves

    • 10 minutes halftime

    • No added time

    • Unlimited substitution at any stoppage

Number of Players

  • 7 per team including Goalkeepers

  • The minimum # of players is 5

  • The maximum # of players per roster is 12

  • 1 Referee

7v7 Laws of the Game

  • Coin Toss - The winner decides which side to attack or to take the kickoff

  • Size 4 ball

  • Build-out line

  • No punts

  • Headers are allowed

  • The offside rule exists (refer to Build-out line rule)

  • Normal throw-ins (no kick-ins etc.)

  • Penalty kicks are at the 10-yard mark

  • Direct and Indirect freekicks

Build-Out Line

  • Encourages possession and build-up play from the back in a less pressured environment

  • A horizontal line is drawn from sideline to sideline 10-yards in front of each goal

  • When the goalkeeper has the ball in hand or a goal kick is taken, the opposing team must move and remain behind the build-out line until the ball is put into play

  • Once the opposing team is behind the build-out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed)

  • After the ball is put into play, the opposing team can cross the build out line, and play resumes as normal

  • This line also indicates where offside can be called, as teams cannot be called for offside between the midfield and build-out line

  • If a goalkeeper punts or drop-kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense

  • If a punt or drop-kick occurs inside the goal area, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team. It shall be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred


  • Players must be fully equipped with proper cleats, shin guards, and long socks

  • Jewelry - No jewelry of any kind (earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.). No hard plastic or metal hair accessories (bows, clips, etc.)

  • Casts - No orthopedic (hard) casts, air splints, or metal splints are allowed. Players will be allowed to play in a soft cast at the discretion of the Referee

  • Shin Guards - All players are required to wear shin guards at all times. Socks must completely cover the shin guards

  • Glasses - Players who must wear eyeglasses are encouraged to wear sports goggles

    All parents/coaches and players should show good sportsmanship at the end of the match